Monday, September 12, 2011

Days 3-6

Day 3 - About the same...pulled for 10 minutes. Gross Out factor was higher as I was thinking about what I would write. I had a cough when I woke up, but since it's September all the grasses are out now and Bill's allergies are hell, Buddy's been sniffy so I'm guessing it's just allergies.

Results so far: my mouth doesn't feel as icky in the morning when I wake up. coincidence?
Gross out factor: 9

Day 4 - It was a Saturday, so I really couldnt' hide out and oil pull in the usual questions which resulted in me ineffectually waving my hands and pointing at my mouth. Bill asked afterwards what i had in my mouth (he thought it was mouthwash) and I told him it was oil. "Olive oil?" no coconut oil. "Coconut oil? why?" I explained briefly that it was to help with the gum issues I was having. I could hear the chicken bone chant in his head, but he didnt' say it out loud, bless his heart.

Results so far: less morning breath (of course this is just my opinion. havent' asked anyone else.
Gross out factor: 8

Day 5 - Slept late, didnt' pull. Bad me.

Day 6 - Got a good 10 minutes in. Gross out factor still high....the coconut oil is solidified due to cooler temps and so it seems ickier. Wish I'd started this a couple weeks ago, as I have to go to the dentist this week. Yay....not.

Results so far: my gums arent' bleeding when I brush my teeth, and the gum line around my lateral incisor is bothering me less.
Gross out factor: a solid 7 today.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Oil Pulling - Days 1 & 2

Okay, I've read about Oil Pulling all over the net, and thought about trying it for a couple years...Fast forward to a long overdue dental checkup where the hygienist began batting about scary words like deep cleaning with anesthesia, impacted tartar, deep pockets, and my favorite - wanting to use a laser to debride and resurface.
holy cavities Batman.
(for the record, I only had ONE cavity)
Since one of the benefits of Oil Pulling is increased dental health, I hightailed it to Health Habitat and bought a jar of Extra Virgin Coconut oil.
Took a tablespoon of oil and started swishing.
Now I am breaking "the rules" by not doing this as soon as I get up. But, honestly? There's just no way.
  1. I need coffee
  2. I am always queasy when I wake up
  3. Bill would think I was off my nut, and the last thing I need at zero-dark-thirty is him following me around saying "Chicken-bone chicken-bone chicken bone." His cute way of telling me whatever I am doing is just witch-doctor snake oil.
Anyhoo. I sat at the computer and swished the oil, chomping and swirling it around in my mouth for ten of the longest minutes of my life. Girl-Child came in and saw me swishing and asked if it was mouthwash. I nodded. It was easier than trying to explain with a mouthful of oil that was increasing in volume as my grossed-out salivary glands kicked in.
Spit it out in sink and it was whitish, but i could still see oil droplets. I rinsed with warm water then brushed my teeth, and man, did they feel clean. I think it was because I was so glad to have all that oil out of my mouth.
Results: none yet
GrossOut Factor 8
Day 2.
I tried to keep busy while oil pulling today - packed the kids lunches and then started a load of laundry - made the time go by faster, and I was able to go 15 minutes. When I spit it out, it was uniformly white, no oil droplets, but I was close to gagging when I got rid of it. The urge to throw up was pretty strong, so quickly rinsed and then brushed my teeth (yay for minty toothpaste!)
One of the reasons I chose coconut oil (besides the fact that it's the Internet's darling right now) is it's purported to best for oral health, with the added bonus of whitening teeth. Several articles remarked on its pleasant flavor, but the oil I have has zero taste. I might seek out a different brand, as I can still use this jar for cooking, or adding to lotion.
Results: none yet (c'mon, it's day 2!)
GrossOut Factor 9